Does A Divorce Take a Long Time to Settle?

November 14, 2023

Divorce.Divorce is a significant life event that involves a complex legal process to dissolve a marriage. For those going through it, one common concern is the duration of the divorce proceedings. The question of whether a divorce takes a long time to settle can be challenging to answer definitively, as the timeline varies based on multiple factors. In this blog post, our Miami, FL law firm will explore the elements that influence the length of a divorce and provide insight into what individuals can expect during the process.

1. Type of Divorce

The type of divorce you pursue can significantly impact the time it takes to settle. There are typically two primary categories:

Contested Divorce: In a contested divorce, the spouses cannot agree on critical issues like property division, child custody, or alimony. This type of divorce tends to take longer to settle because it requires court intervention and litigation.

Uncontested Divorce: An uncontested divorce, on the other hand, occurs when both spouses can reach an agreement on key matters. This type of divorce typically moves faster through the legal process, as there is no need for extensive negotiations or courtroom battles.

2. Jurisdiction

The jurisdiction in which you file for divorce can also influence the time it takes to settle. Each state and country has its own legal procedures and timelines. Some jurisdictions have faster divorce processing times, while others may have backlogs that lead to longer wait times.

3. Legal Requirements

Different jurisdictions have specific legal requirements for divorce. In some places, there may be mandatory waiting periods before the divorce can be finalized. These waiting periods can range from a few weeks to several months, depending on local regulations.

4. Complexity of the Issues

The complexity of the issues involved in your case and the need for a divorce lawyer can extend the settlement process. Matters such as child custody, property division, and spousal support can be intricate and may require extensive negotiation, investigation, or expert evaluation.

5. Cooperation and Communication

The willingness of both spouses to cooperate and communicate can play a significant role in the timeline of the divorce. Collaborative divorce and mediation can expedite the process if both parties are open to negotiation and compromise. However, a contentious relationship may lead to delays due to disagreements and disputes.

6. Assets and Debts

The number and complexity of assets and debts to be divided can also extend the divorce timeline. High-value assets, business interests, complex financial holdings, and shared debt require thorough examination and negotiation, which can take time to resolve.

7. Child Custody and Support

Child custody and child support arrangements are often some of the most emotionally charged and time-consuming aspects of a divorce. Courts prioritize the best interests of the child, and determining custody arrangements can involve assessments, evaluations, and hearings.

8. Spousal Support (Alimony)

The determination of spousal support, also known as alimony, can be contentious and time-consuming. Factors like the duration of the marriage, the financial situation of both spouses, and the standard of living during the marriage are considered in spousal support decisions.

9. Court Docket and Caseload

The caseload of the family court and the court’s docket can impact the speed at which your divorce is settled. Courts with heavy caseloads may experience delays in scheduling hearings and processing paperwork.

10. Attorney and Legal Representation

The choice of legal representation can affect the pace of your divorce proceedings. A skilled and efficient divorce attorney can expedite the process by effectively navigating legal requirements, negotiations, and paperwork. On the other hand, a less experienced attorney or one who lacks proper communication skills may lead to delays.

11. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Methods

Opting for alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or arbitration, can potentially shorten the divorce process. These methods allow spouses to work together to find solutions rather than relying on court decisions.

12. Discovery Process

If either spouse requests extensive documentation or information from the other party during the discovery process, it can lead to delays in the divorce proceedings. The time required to gather and exchange this information can vary depending on the complexity of the case.


The duration of a divorce settlement is influenced by numerous factors, making it challenging to provide a one-size-fits-all answer to whether a divorce takes a long time to settle. While some divorces may be resolved relatively quickly, others can stretch over several months or even years. It is essential to remember that the goal should be to reach a fair and equitable resolution that meets the needs of both parties, even if it takes time. Consulting with an experienced attorney and maintaining open communication can help you navigate the divorce process more efficiently and minimize unnecessary delays. Ultimately, the length of a divorce settlement is unique to each case and should prioritize the well-being and interests of all parties involved.

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Welcome to the Law Offices of Granoff & Kessler! The Law Offices of Granoff & Kessler provide a superb legal service, located in Miami, FL. Both attorneys have over 60 years of combined experience and handle many areas of practice: family law, divorce, mediation, criminal cases as well as commercial litigation and even simple will and trusts. Our firm will work to attend to your case from start to finish. Contact us in Miami, FL today.

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