A Family Law Attorney in Miami, FL Explains the Impact of Parental Alienation

May 31, 2019

During a separation or divorce, it can be challenging for parents to maintain positive relationships with each other and with their children. One of the biggest concerns that comes up for people during divorce and separation is parental alienation. This problem can have a lot of serious implications for families during high-conflict divorces, and it’s important to understand this issue through the eyes of a professional law firm to ensure that your children are protected from it.

What is parental alienation?

Parental alienation describes the behavior of a parent and the subsequent consequences that lead to alienation of the child from the other parent. Parental alienation can cause children to develop fear, anxiety and low self-esteem related to parental visitation, and these issues can be long-lasting and difficult to work through.

Parental alienation is different from a negative relationship between a parent and a child as a result of that parent’s behavior. In the case of parental alienation, one parent, usually the custodial parent, alienates the child from the other parent by speaking negatively about them, intentionally limiting contact between them and the child and interfering with visitation. Over time, these behaviors can cause the child to develop a negative view of visitation with the other parent.

Parental alienation takes many different forms. One of the most common behaviors of a parent who is intentionally causing parental alienation is withholding mail or phone calls between the child and the other parent. Another common parental alienation tactic is encouraging a child to spy on the other parent and report back with any negative feedback they observed.

Parental alienation can shape the opinion of a child, even if the parent who is being alienated has an otherwise healthy, positive relationship with the child. A lot of people compare parental alienation with a propaganda campaign wherein one parent portrays the other parent as an enemy and attempts to interfere with the relationship between the other parent and the child.

Avoiding parental alienation

Despite the serious implications of parental alienation, a lot of parents engage in behavior that leads to this problem. To ensure that your children are able to maintain a healthy and positive relationship with both of their parents, it’s important to work with a family law attorney in Miami, FL who can advise you on the right legal steps to take.

They can also provide you with professional advice and refer you to resources to help you navigate your relationship with your child and with the other parent to ensure that you can maintain the healthiest arrangement possible for everyone involved.

Contact our attorneys

At the Law Offices of Granoff & Kessler, we know how difficult it can be to navigate family law issues like divorce, separation and custody agreements. That’s why we are here to help you through every aspect of the legal process.

Regardless of what your specific circumstance are, our team of experienced attorneys is here to assist you. You can get started with an appointment by giving our office a call. Contact us in Miami, FL today.

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Law Offices of Granoff & Kessler